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Found: 7 results in category: World

The poorest countries in the world
Author: Alexey Nosovsky
29 May 2023 11 minutes read
Which country holds the title of the world's poorest? Evaluating the global rankings of nations based on standard of living, considering GDP per capita and available natural resources.
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Taxation of cryptocurrencies in different countries in the world
Author: Alexey Nosovsky
3 April 2023 12 minutes read
Cryptocurrency rules, rates and tax base. Taxation conditions for operations with cryptocurrency. How to pay income tax on cryptocurrency transactions. The most profitable jurisdictions for bitcoin trading.
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How to obtain a world citizenship and passport in 2024
Author: Alexey Nosovsky
15 March 2023 7 minutes read
The concept and ideas of world citizenship. How to become a world citizen. How to obtain a WSA passport in 2024: conditions and cost. What a world passport gives, is it worth getting one.
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What is a permanent residence permit: pros and cons of being a permanent resident
Author: Alexey Nosovsky
8 February 2023 17 minutes read
What is a permanent residence permit and what is the difference between it and other official statuses: visa, residence permit and citizenship. The rights and obligations of a resident with a permanent residence permit.
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Rating of countries by standard of living
Author: Alexey Nosovsky
16 January 2023 14 minutes read
How to determine the best country for relocation. Rating of countries in Europe, Asia, America. Top countries with an easy immigration. Criteria for choosing the country to move to with your family.
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Pregnancy and childbirth abroad
Author: Alexey Nosovsky
3 January 2023 20 minutes read
The advantages of giving birth abroad. How to arrange a trip and childbirth abroad. Citizenship requirements for a baby and parents. Top countries for giving birth abroad and obtaining citizenship. Preparation of documents and registration of a birth certificate.
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iWorld raises its own flag, becoming the flagship of the migration marketplace
Author: Alexey Nosovsky
23 March 2022 2 minutes read
The international law company iWorld has presented its own flag, clearly illustrating its core values and mission. Since its launch in the middle of 2021, the company is rapidly gaining popularity and no longer needs to be introduced.
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