Portugal residence permit for financially independent persons (D7 visa)

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Alexey Nosovsky

A representative of the Legal Department at iWorld. Author of articles on Migration Law.

Update: 19 April 2024 10 minutes read
A financially independent person negotiates a Portuguese visa d7

A D7 visa to Portugal is a type of permit to enter Spain for foreign nationals of non-European Union countries, who earn a stable income or move to the country for religious purposes (clergymen). Immigrants do not need to buy real estate, invest in the economy or open a business. On the basis of a visa shall be issued a residence permit in Portugal for financially independent persons, and then citizenship.

D7 visa Portugal is suitable for wealthy foreigners with families who can prove a monthly income of 705 EUR. In this article you can find a step-by-step guide to obtaining a national visa category D7 for residents of the CIS countries.

Requirements for immigrants

Applicants for a D7 visa to Portugal must meet the following criteria:

  • Citizenship
    Foreigners who do not hold a EU passport are eligible to apply for a visa.
  • No criminal record
    Verified by a certificate from the responsible authorities in the immigrant’s home country.
  • Income
    Legal and regular payments outside of Portugal, which will continue after the relocation, are taken into account.
  • Visa violations
    No deportation stamp in the passport from Portugal or other EU countries or a ban on entering one of the EU countries.

To further obtain a residence permit in Portugal, you must stay in the country at least 183 days over a period of 12 months.

Income requirements:

Applicants The required amount of monthly income to obtain a visa
1 adult foreigner 705 EUR, which corresponds to the minimum wage in Portugal as of the 1st quarter of 2022
Additional adults (spouse, adult children or elderly parents supported by the principal applicant) +50% of the minimum wage (352.5 EUR)
For a couple of two people — 1,057.5 EUR
Minor children +30% of the minimum wage (211.5 EUR)
For a family of three — 1269 EUR

These amounts are the minimum requirements for a visa. To support a family of three, renting a house in Portugal, you need 1500-2000 EUR.

Who are financially independent persons

Financially Independent Persons (FIP) are people who earn a regular, stable income that covers their basic expenses from various sources. The D7 visa for Portugal is granted to foreigners who can provide for their needs, without taking up local jobs. These include:

  • pensioners;
  • owners of property for rent under official contracts;
  • investors and owners of intellectual property, which provides for regular payments;
  • dividend recipients;
  • franchise owners who are paid royalties;
  • entrepreneurs whose business is not registered in Portugal;
  • remote workers, freelancers (can subsequently apply for a residence permit in Portugal for self-employed persons);
  • specialists in the IT sector;
  • clergymen.

The required documents for D7 visa

The process for obtaining a national visa is individual, and applicants must apply in person at the Consular Section. A separate set of documents is collected for each adult and child. For minors under the age of 18, you must additionally provide a birth certificate, permission to travel from both parents and the appointment of a guardian in Portugal, if the father and mother are not travelling.

A common list of documents:

  • The form. The form can be downloaded from the Consulate website, printed on both sides on a single sheet of paper and filled out in Portuguese. The template should contain general information about the applicant: full name, address of registration and residence, details of travel document, marital status, gender, presence of children and employment details.
  • Photo. 2 recent color photos 3,5 x 4,5 cm on a white background, without corners or shading. One photo must be glued to the application form and the other must be signed on the back, indicating the series and number of the passport.
  • International and inner passports. You need copies of all pages (including blank pages). The passport for a D 7 visa to Portugal must be valid for at least 6 months after the permission to enter the country expires.
  • Consent to the collection of personal data. The form must be downloaded from the Portuguese Consulate web page, printed out and completed.
  • Criminal Record Certificate. Issued by the territorial department of the Ministry of Interior in the place of residence. Original copy should be certified by an apostille, translated into Portuguese and with official requisites of the translation agency. Certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issue in a Ministry of Internal Affairs office.
  • Ticket booking. Printout of flight bookings to and from Portugal with translation.
  • Medical insurance. Minimum sum insured is 30 000 EUR. Period of validity — at least 120 days.
  • Place of residence. Contract of renting a house in Portugal from 1 year or the right of ownership on the real estate, where you can live during your stay in the country.
  • Proof of financial income. Proof of regular monthly payments equal to or greater than the amount prescribed by law, translated into Portuguese.
  • Pension certificate (if applicable). High-quality copy of the document indicating the amount of the monthly pension, translated into Portuguese.

The process of obtaining a residence permit in Portugal for financially independent persons

Steps for obtaining a residence permit for the FIP:

  1. Researching Information. The D7 visa processing on your own should begin with familiarizing yourself with the conditions of the Consulate and the requirements for documents. The visa issue can be resolved with the help of migration lawyers, who will help in drawing up certificates and statements, according to the current legislation of Portugal
  2. Preparing visa documents. The NIF (Número de Identificação Fiscal — Individual Tax Number) number is opened remotely through intermediaries or by visiting the state at the nearest tax office. Similarly, an account at a local bank can be arranged at one of the offices or through email correspondence. You can find a property to rent or buy through an intermediary or on your own. To rent or buy remotely, you need a licensed agent and legal support. You can get bank statements, references on your income and criminal record, book airline tickets, as well as apply for medical insurance in your own country.
  3. Visa processing. Application and other documents must be submitted in person at the consular department of the Portuguese Embassy. The status of the application is tracked in the personal office. National visa is issued for a maximum of 120 days for two entries of the state.
  4. Applying for a residence permit for financially independent persons in Portugal. Within 4 months, the applicant must enter the state and apply to the local Immigration Department office for registration.
  5. Obtaining a residence permit. Residence permit is issued at the territorial office of the SEF. The residence permit (Autorização de residência) is issued for 2 years without the right to work in local companies or to open a business. The residence permit is sent by post to the address given at the time of registration.

The next residence permit is issued for 3 years with the possibility of employment and company registration. After 5 years of legal residence, a foreigner can apply for Portuguese citizenship.

The coast of Portugal where financially independent persons immigrate through a d7 visa

Timeframe for obtaining

Registration of D7 visa to Portugal usually takes several months and depends on the speed of obtaining the documents on the list.

Key steps Timeframe
Study of the conditions of registration A few days
Renting or buying a dwelling 4-8 weeks
Opening a bank account In-person — a few days, remotely — 4-6 weeks
Waiting for visa Maximum application processing time 60 business days
D7 visa validity 120 days
Obtaining the first residence permit in Portugal for financially independent persons 5-8 weeks

Processing cost

Emigration to Portugal for the financially independent involves the following costs:

  • Housing. A foreigner should take into account the cost of buying an apartment or house, real estate agent’s fee, notarization. A small one-bedroom apartment is not in a major city can be bought for 70,000 EUR, but for quality repairs, furniture and appliances will have to pay more. Long-term rental housing does not require a large investment immediately after moving in. A one-bedroom apartment can be rented for 550-900 EUR per month with a long-term agreement. In each case, the amount of costs for this category depends on the requirements and capabilities of the immigrant himself.
  • Fees. Consular fee for visa is 90 EUR.
  • Certificates and translations. Notary service, apostille and translations of documents into Portuguese are an additional charge, for which approximately 200-400 EUR are to be paid.
  • Medical insurance. A 120-day policy costs from 100 euros, depending on the type of insurance.

What are the benefits of the D7 visa for financially independent persons

The financially independent person visa in Portugal allows:

  • legally stay in the state;
  • travel visa-free within the European Union and the Schengen area;
  • benefit from preferential tax treatment for the first decade of life in the country in the form of exemption from personal income tax on income received outside Portugal, subject to the subsequent acquisition of residency;
  • study in local schools and universities;
  • obtain a residence permit and a permanent residence permit;
  • apply for citizenship after 5 years of living in the country.

Taxation of FNL with a D7 visa

FIPs, who are not tax residents of Portugal, pay IPS tax (personal income tax) at a rate of 25% on income that was received in the territory of the state.

Adult foreign nationals, who have moved to Portugal on a D7 visa and have obtained a residence permit, can apply for Residente Não Habitual (RNH) status. Non-standard resident status is available if the immigrant:

  • resides in the country for 183 days;
  • has not been a tax resident of the state for the last 5 years.

Non-standard resident FIPs pay IPS at a reduced rate of 20% on income received in Portugal during the first decade of life in the country.

D7 visa vs Golden Visa: which is better to choose for immigration to Portugal

Immigrants on the Golden visa receive the same rights in the state as the FIP. At the same time, the latter are required to stay in the country from 183 days in the current year in order to extend the residence permit for FNL in Portugal in the future. For immigrants under the Golden Visa program the minimum requirement to stay in the country — 7 per year or 14 for two years. That is, after spending a week every year in Portugal, or coming for a two-week vacation once during the period of temporary residence, the foreigner retains a residence permit and after 5 years can apply for a passport.

The main disadvantage of the investment program is the high minimum investment threshold. To obtain a Golden Visa you must purchase real estate worth 500 thousand EUR (from 280 thousand can be invested in the objects in sparsely populated regions of the country), or put on deposit at a local bank an amount not exceeding EUR 1.5 million, or make a contribution to cultural or research activities from 350 thousand EUR. In terms of costs, residence permits in Portugal for financially independent persons is more accessible than the investment program.

The warm continental climate, preferential taxation period of 10 years, affordable housing and food prices — not a complete list of reasons why more and more wealthy retirees, businessmen and IT-specialists are choosing sunny Portugal to move. With visa D7 can make the dream of a European life in a year, if properly collected and executed documents. You can not go into the intricacies of migration legislation of the Portuguese Republic, trusting the lawyers with experience in this field. They will help in drawing up an application, collecting certificates and provide support at every stage of immigration.

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